Write and Publish poetry – Karine Leno Ancellin

Karine is one of the contributing authors in our “Write and Publish Your Book” anthology. Sheis a poet.

Karine Leno Ancellin was born and grew up in New York until she moved to different countries. She researched ‘Hybrid identities’ for her Phd at the Vrije Universiteit of Brussels having earned an MA, with Honors, in Comparative Literature at the Charles V Institute of Paris VII. She worked as a journalist in West Africa for many years and currently is a professor, writer and translator living in Athens, Greece. Along her poetry writing, Karine Ancellin has now turned to literary journalism and publishes free-lance. She is also involved in the promotion of pan-Hellenic Literature and co-founded a poetry society in Athens, Greece with Angela Lyras (www.apoetsagora.com). Some of her poems have been put to jazz music by the composer Leila Olivesi.

To get the anthology, go here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQN437Q1
To connect with Karine, go here https://karinelenoancellin.net/

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Write and Publish Your Book – Mark M. Bello

Want to publish a book?

In this episode, we talk about writing and publishing in order to inspire you or give you tips and ideas of becoming a published author. This is one in a series of episodes with authors who contributed their writing stories in “Write and Publish Your Book”. A book done by a total of 16 authors. As an attorney and civil justice advocate, author Mark M. Bello draws upon over 40 years of courtroom experience in his Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series.

To get the “Write and Publish Your Book” copy, go here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQN437Q1

To connect with Mark, go here https://www.markmbello.com

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A Man, A Father, A Husband – Larry Davis

This thought-provoking and compelling story examines the complexities of manhood, fatherhood, being a husband, and the power of faith in times of uncertainty. Davis explores the biblical meaning of A Man, A Father, A Husband, from setting the right example, loving without limits, disciplining with wisdom, being the spiritual leader, and nurturing strong connections. Gain insights on how to live a life that is pleasing in God’s sight, and become a true man and woman of God.

For more, go to https://larryddavis.com/

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Write and Publish Your Book – Jennifer Steil

Jennifer has previously talked about her books. Here is her previous interview https://www.nowtellus.com/jennifer-steil/ She then became one of the authors who contributed to our book “Write and Publish Your Book”. We share updates with her.

To get our book, go here https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BQN437Q1

To connect with Jennifer, go here https://www.jennifersteil.net/

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Shadow Summit: One Man, His Diagnosis, and the Road to a Vibrant Life – Jon Chandonnet

Life has a way of interrupting our plans. Most of us get knocked off our chosen paths at some point. It’s what we do in such moments that determine our fate. In 1997, Jon Chandonnet – twenty-seven, a semester away from completing his Master’s Degree at MIT, with a job offer from promising startup Sapient – received the diagnosis that would change his life: Multiple-Sclerosis. MS knocked Jon down; it almost knocked him out – but it didn’t. It motivated him to become more conscious and intentional about life. Putting into practice his learnings about diet, exercise and spirituality, Jon has reversed his symptoms. Shadow Summit is the incredible story of Jon’s journey through denial and suffering, to a vibrant life of love, healing, and wholeness that he was determined to make possible.

Read all about it in the book “Shadow Summit”. Get it here https://www.amazon.com/dp/0615836569

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How Great Leaders Live a Life Worth Remembering – Jann E. Freed

Jann Freed, PhD is author of the new book “Breadcrumb Legacy: How Great Leaders Live a Life Worth Remembering,” Based on in-depth interviews with leaders in business and non-business areas, Jann’s book serves as a guide to leaving “a trail of meaning throughout your life and career.” Its inspirational and practical stories highlight how to live a life worth remembering.

A leading development consultant and previously published author, Jann helps engage her client companies’ employees as well as develop their leaders so as to support achievement of individual potential on a daily basis.

For more, go to https://jannfreed.com/book/

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Healing from Narcissistic Abuse – Dana S. Diaz

Dana S. Diaz is a wife, mother, and author of the best-selling book GASPING FOR AIR: THE STRANGLEHOLD OF NARCISSISTIC ABUSE. Dana has had life-long experience with narcissistic abuse, beginning in childhood. Her education in journalism and psychology at DePaul University in Chicago gave her the ability to accurately verbalize and express how narcissistic abuse creates confusion and conflict within victims, so that she can help other victims know they are not alone and better understand their own circumstances.

For more, go to https://danasdiaz.com/

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Write and Publish Your Book – Sylvia Worsham

Everyone has a book inside them. A story to tell, a lesson to teach, or a message to share. If you need encouragement to begin the process of writing and publishing your book, then this book is for you. In it, 16 authors from around the world divulge their triumphs, failures, and lessons learned as they navigated the path to become published best-selling authors.

Sylvia Worsham shares her story.
Check out this book and her other books here.

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