I Do Not Like the Rotten Egg Scent in Yellowstone National Park – Penelope Kaye

I Do Not Like the Rotten Egg Scent in Yellowstone National Park by Penelope Kaye is a children’s picture book. Fiona is a little red-headed girl with lots of freckles on her face. If there’s one thing she really doesn’t like, it’s the stinky scent of rotten eggs in Yellowstone National Park. It makes her feel ill and it certainly doesn’t smell of roses! However, Fiona soon learns that she may be the only one who doesn’t like the smell. All the animals in the park seem to love it – the buffalo, the grizzly bears, the chipmunks, and even the insects. And some of her family like it too! See Yellowstone come to life in this wonderfully illustrated story and learn whether Fiona can find even one nice thing about the smell.

For more, go to https://ps2710.com/

To get the book, go to https://www.amazon.com/dp/1637553471

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Real Freedom : Why Franchises Are Worth Considering and How They Can Be Used For Building Wealth – Gregory K. Mohr

Greg Mohr is the Wall Street Journal Best Selling author of “Real Freedom, Why Franchises Are Worth Considering and How They Can Be Used For Building Wealth”, and has managed restaurants, been a micro-electric circuit engineer, owned and operated dry cleaners, storage units, rental properties, and franchises. Greg has helped hundreds of people invest in a few hundred franchise units.

For more, go to https://www.franchisemaven.com/

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Two Floors Above Grief – Kevin M. O’Connor

Set from the 1920s to ‘80s, Two Floors Above Grief is full of fascinating details and anecdotes about life as a funeral home child, brought to vivid life through a compelling collection of letters written by O’Connor and various family members who lived and worked together at the O’Connor Funeral Home in Elgin, Illinois. Blending the twenty-four-hour business of death and its constantly ringing phone with the joy experienced by his families through music, pets, backyard basketball games, co-parenting, faith, and celebrations, O’Connor offers a reflective love letter to the affirmation of family love and embracing life.

For more, go to https://kevinoconnorauthor.com/

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Culture Impact: Strategies to Create World-changing Workplaces – Melanie Booher

How can you create a thriving company culture in a post-pandemic world that also spans multiple generations of working people? Can you also create opportunities for growth, rebranding, reflection, and innovation? If you’d like to answer, “Yes!” to both of these questions, then Culture Impact is a book that demands your time and attention. Melanie Booher is considered, by many, as a name to know in the game of workplace culture transformation; here, she has collected a powerhouse team of authors who have offered their years of experience working in HR on how to create a passion within people for the work that they do everyday. Whether the work begins with silencing your inner critics, expanding the inclusion of critics within your culture, strengthening your leaders to guide to stronger integrity, or cultivating a workplace culture that is noticed and awarded by others, it’s all here in Culture Impact — come and take the first step!

To get the book, go here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C6WWM1PL

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Hope Givers – Jodi O’Donnell Ames

Joy Givers book is the story of the author’s journey through caregiving, terminal illness, grief, and those hardest ubiquitous lessons of adult life. It is a work of profound sincerity, for a society wrestling to process the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the biological necessity of deeper peace. Reckoning with the long-standing themes self-help, mental health, chronic grief, trauma, and self-empowerment, the author dances between the roles of guide, mentor, friend, and confidante.

For more, go to https://www.joaspeakson.com/

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The Adventures Of, Harold From The Hood – Jim Price

The Adventures Of Harold From The Hood is the first of Jim’s series of children’s books. The purpose of writing this book is to help teach valuable social interactive skills which is important to cultivate healthy and unbiased connections with others. These are learned skills that will be utilized over a lifetime. During the childhood stage of development is when many social aspects can be learned and reinforced through positive praise and recognition. This book also looks to explore accepting other differences as our society continues to progress towards a more diverse population and climate.

To connect with Jim and get the book, go to https://jimpricebooks.education/

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Home Safe Home, For You and Me – Sabrina Osso

Kids–Whether you are safe at home or not safe at home, this book is for you. Know that your voices are powerful and know that you do have choice. If you’re safe at home, then use this book as a tool to help kids that are not safe at home. If you’re not safe at home, your voices need to be heard and they will be heard. Use this book as a tool to give you courage to speak out and say who you want to live with because you choose respect and safety and that’s how it should be.

Parents, Grandparents, Teachers–Use Home Safe Home, For Me and You as a tool to educate yourselves and the children in your lives about how important it is to practice respect and safety in the home and that disrespect and abuse are dangerous for everyone in the home. This book makes it easier to talk about the differences between being safe at home and not safe at home and how we need to help kids have autonomy over their lives, if they’re not safe at home.

Get the book here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHLBWMXQ

To connect with Sabrina, go here https://www.ossosafe.com/

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